Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Day Ever!

After we installed the tile in our kitchen (see previous post for more info on that project), we had to stay out of the kitchen for 24 hours. I am sort of in love with the kitchen because I love to cook, so this was a bit of a downer. Well, a downer until I realized that it was the day of the SB Dog Festival, so my husband and I took Lama, AKA: Mr. Man, AKA: Sleepy-Beard the Pirate.

It was so great, there were hundreds of dog owners, their dogs (duh...), booths with free stuff, live music, and beer. Did I mention beer? The vet, various feed stores, and other vendors had booths. Each had a dog bowl full of treats and a water bowl on the ground. Lama was in heaven. He had about a million treats, and got loves from all sorts of people. It was really quite adorable.

Check out Lama before treats and rubs:

Lama after treats and rubs:

Yeah, he was a pretty happy little dude.

It was a really fun day - they even had an agility course, which Lama wanted nothing to do with, but I found quite interesting. He was probably wondering why those dogs were running around when there were treats to be had all over the place. Oh well, to each his own.


  1. smart dog. i bet he would have liked to see you run in the agility course while he munched on his treats. lol
